CHENG Hoi-ching, White | Bio&CV

CHENG Hoi-ching, White 鄭皚晴



CHENG Hoi Ching, White graduated in Fine Art at Birmingham City University and studied for a Higher Diploma in Visual Art and Culture at Hong Kong Design Institute.

By utilizing landscape as the subject of her creations, Cheng explores and expands upon the rich history of Chinese landscape painting. She experiments with different mediums, such as soft sculpture and installations, to depict the relationship between mountains and water. Additionally, she incorporates wood sticks for painting.

She primarily focuses on painting while also attempting to integrate various mediums, including ink, rice paper, fabric, and acrylic panels. She explores further possibilities by using translucent materials.

Cheng is a pessimistic optimist. She possesses a pessimistic tone within her discourse, although it does not imply negativity. Through a fortuitous encounter with Buddhism, her worldview and attitude have undergone a transformation, with religion becoming an integral part of her life. Influenced deeply by Buddhist teachings and Chinese culture, she engages in the study of scriptures, recitation, and self-study of calligraphy as part of her daily routine. Drawing inspiration from Buddhist stories and philosophies, she expresses their essence through artistic forms, thereby exploring the relationships among the universe, nature, and spirituality. Her artistic style predominantly encompasses realistic, lyrical, and abstract ink painting, creating an illusory and contemplative space.


