TSANG Po Yee, Bowie | Bio&CV

TSANG Po Yee, Bowie 曾寶怡



TSANG Po-yee, Bowie, graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts, focusing on ink art creation. She's particularly sensitive to those subtle things in daily life, often presenting them in her works in a very interesting form.

曾寶怡出⽣於1997年,2020年畢業於香港浸會⼤學視覺藝術學⼠課程。專注⽔墨創作,喜歡透過觀 察⽇常的細微事物,以趣味性的形式呈現作品。


Drawing inspiration from her daily life, she developed a sharp sense of her surroundings and an especial liking towards appropriating mundane objects in her artwork. Through a masterful use of ink art, she endeavours to link the characteristics of food with traditional landscape painting, ultimately creating novel imagery that invites audiences alike into the realm of her extraordinary imagination.


創作靈感來⾃於⽇常⽣活,我對周遭所發⽣的事物⼗分敏銳,作品喜歡挪⽤平凡的物件作題材。專注於⽔墨創作,嘗試透過展現食物的特徵與傳統⼭⽔作連結,重新詮釋⼀個新的景象,將觀者帶入 藝術家所構想的境界之中。